We have many years’ experience in writing and reviewing employment agreements and policies.

We can draft or revise employment agreements for employers.

We can interpret and advise on provisions in employment agreements such as no fault trial provisions/probation periods, restraints of trade and non-solicitation, and force majeure provisions.

We can advise new employees on their proposed terms of employment. We are able to provide employers with tailor-made policies, for example, addressing workplace bullying, internet use, and sick leave and medical certificates.

Employment agreements must be in writing and agreed to by the employer and the employee before the employment starts.

There are key terms that must be in all individual employment agreements including the names of the parties, location of workplace, hours of work, salary or wages and other remuneration, processes for resolving employment relationship problems and a reference to the 90 day period for raising a personal grievance (12months to raise a sexual harassment issue).

Terms that are often in employment agreements are restraints of trade, non-solicitation, non-dealing, health and safety, privacy, and notice periods.

Employment agreements also often refer to policies such as harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, health and safety, performance management, performance reviews and warning and disciplinary action.

For employees, we can review their proposed employment agreements and if they have any concerns during their employment we can provide advice then. If an employee is thinking of leaving, if they have restraints or non-solicitation provisions we can advise about those too.